Today’s Invesment Tomorrow’s Achievment

Welcome to Bindawala Banijya Limited 

Bindawala Banijya Limited (BBL) was set up in 1981. It is a finance company, registered with the Reserve Bank of India as a non-deposit taking non-banking finance company (NBFC). It is engaged primarily in the business of advancing loans and investing / trading in securities and also listed on The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited (CSE).

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Our Highlights

  • Advancing Loans

  • Investing Tranding in Securities

  • Listed on Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited(CSE)

How We Invest

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Block patterns are pre-designed groups of blocks. To add one, select the Add Block button [+] in the toolbar at the top of the editor. Switch to the Patterns tab underneath the search bar, and choose a pattern.

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Twenty Twenty-One includes stylish borders for your content. With an Image block selected, open the “Styles” panel within the Editor sidebar. Select the “Frame” block style to activate it.


Twenty Twenty-One also includes an overlap style for column blocks. With a Columns block selected, open the “Styles” panel within the Editor sidebar. Choose the “Overlap” block style to try it out.